https://doi.org/10.55439/yutsftim/593Kalit so‘zlar:
higher education; personnel; strategy; reform; the science; development; innovation; university; societyAbstrak
The author of the article explored innovative aspects of the development of
higher education in the context of the formation of a digital society. The article
emphasizes the role of higher education in the successful implementation of democratic
reforms and a new stage in the development of society. The author of the article made
an attempt to reveal the social mission of higher education in society . The role of
universities in the training of competitive personnel using innovative forms and
intellectual capabilities of higher education in fulfilling the requirements and
objectives of the strategy for further socio-economic progress of the country is
considered. An integrated approach to the process of preparing bachelors in public
and private universities shows that this work is closely related to the innovative reforms
carried out in educational and scientific work in the field of training competitive
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