
  • Tashkent state university of econocmis


Good governance, Higher education, Quality education, Transparency, Accountability, Inclusivity, Ethical leadership, Academic standards.


Good governance in higher education is critical for ensuring that universities are
able to fulfill their missions and meet the needs of their stakeholders. Effective
governance structures and processes can help ensure that universities are transparent,
accountable, and collaborative, which can lead to improved outcomes for students,
faculty, staff, and the wider community.
One of the key challenges facing universities is balancing competing interests
and priorities. For example, universities may need to balance the demands of research
with teaching or balance the needs of different departments or programs. Effective
governance can help ensure that these competing interests are balanced in a way that
benefits all stakeholders.
Another challenge facing universities is ensuring that all members of the
university community have a voice in decision-making. This can be particularly
challenging in large institutions where there may be many different groups with
different perspectives and priorities. However, effective governance structures can help
ensure that all voices are heard and that decisions are made collaboratively.
Transparency is also an important aspect of good governance in higher
education. Universities must be transparent about their policies, procedures, and
decision-making processes so thatstakeholders can understand how decisions are made
and why they were made. This transparency can help build trust between the university
and its stakeholders.
Accountability is another critical element of good governance in higher
education. Universities must be accountable for their actions and decisions, both to
internal stakeholderssuch asfaculty,staff, and students as well as externalstakeholders
such as donors or government agencies. Effective governance structures can help
ensure that this accountability is built into the decision-making process.
In order to improve governance structures and processes, universities may need
to engage in ongoing self-reflection and evaluation. This could involve regular reviews
or assessments of governance structures or processes to identify areas for
improvement. Additionally, universities may need to invest in training or professional
development programs for members of the university community so that they have the
skills needed to participate effectively in decision-making processes.
Good governance is critical for ensuring that universities are able to meet the
needs of their stakeholders and fulfill their missions. While there are many challenges
associated with achieving good governance, universities that invest in effective
governance structures and processes are likely to see improved outcomes for all





How to Cite

Sanjar M. Mirzaliev. (2023). THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD GOVERNANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Prospects of Innovative Development of the National Corporate Governance System Based on International Standards and Modern Best Practice, 216–221. Retrieved from