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Necessity and Problems of Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards” NPTIFR

October 18–19, 2023


International Financial Reporting Standards form the basis for business integration into global value chains, the development of the international division of labor, the fronting of global markets, the management of business risks based on supply and sales diversification, and the fullest possible utilization of production capacity and extracting “economies of scale.” As of today, the Presidential decree “On additional measures for transition to international financial reporting standards” (February 24, 2020 No. PP-4611) approved a new page in the history of transition to IFRS in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The adopted decree provides the latest views on the transition to IFRS for business entities. In this regard, a list of persons who will be required to prepare financial statements according to IFRS for 2021 has been defined. The list included joint-stock companies, commercial banks, insurance organizations, and legal entities classified as large taxpayers. These business entities organized accounting and reporting in accordance with IFRS as of January 1, 2021, and ensured that the number of employees of accounting departments was sufficient to apply international standards qualitatively.

To systemically disclose the full range of issues and create a holistic scientific vision of the prospects for their solution, the Consortium of Sustainable Development and Technology Leadership organizes the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Necessity and Problems of Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards,which will be held in 2023.

The conference aims to strengthen the scientific argumentation of the need to transition to international financial reporting standards, identify new problems of this process in the era of neo-globalization, and develop a set of methodological and practical recommendations for their coordinated resolution by representatives of the global community. The multidisciplinary format of the conference ensures its wide coverage and comprehensive consideration of the phenomenon of transition to international financial reporting standards in the era of neo-globalization from the perspective of philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, pedagogy, law, ICT, economics, and management.

Everyone interested in the transition to international financial reporting standards, inside and outside academia, including university professors, students, graduate and postgraduate students, representatives of public administration, and expert business practitioners, are invited to participate in the conference as speakers, listeners, and discussants. The official languages of the conference are Uzbek, Russian, and English. The conference is held in presence and online.

All interested participants are invited to participate in the following sections of the conference:

  1. The Philosophy of Corporate Accounting and Reporting in the Age of Neo-Globalization;
  2. Socio-cultural Problems and Prerequisites for Improving International Financial Reporting Standards;
  3. Institutional Problems of Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards at the Level of International Law and National Regulation;
  4. Staffing for the Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards in the Education System;
  5. Creating a Favorable Business Climate for the Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards;
  6. Corporate Governance and Organization of Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards in Business by Industry;
  7. Digital Divide, Other Infrastructural Challenges, and Prospective Technologies for the Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards.

Research that is relevant to the conference topics and has undergone double review will be published in a book series by Springer (an international publishing company specializing in publishing academic books in the natural sciences: theoretical science, medicine, economics, engineering, architecture, construction, and transport) and further reviewed in the international citation base SCOPUS.


Tashkent State University of Economics (Tashkent);

Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization “Institute for Scientific Communications”/ LLC “ISC-Group” (Volgograd);

Consortium of Sustainable Development and Technology Leadership (Russia);

“Innovative Resource Center of Professional Development on International Financial Reporting and Auditing Standards” at the Tashkent State University of Economics.


Until October 15, 2023 – submission of the scientific manuscript and application to the conference e-mail.

October 18–19, 2023– holding the conference on the digital platform of the Tashkent State University of Economics

Participation is possible in different forms:

  • Online participation in the conference with a report and subsequent publication of conference materials by an academic publisher;
  • Poster presentation, which summarizes the key results of the research in the form of a paper poster with the subsequent publication of conference materials by an academic publisher;
  • Participation in absence with subsequent publication of conference materials by an academic publisher;
  • Participation as a listener with the opportunity to participate in the discussion of materials presented at the conference (no report is required, no publication of conference materials).